be · daz · zle (bĭ-dăz′əl)
Bedazzle as in "to dazzle so completely as to make you blind"
or just as well "to please irresistibly; enchant"
That is about what an average english dictionary suggest once you look up "bedazzle".
But it's truly all I can come with up with if there are three things involved at a time.
First: a handsome guy
Second: a tie.
Third: a suit.
That second and third part happen to turn the first one into denial - quite often I have to admit.
I happen to be bedazzled by t.h.o.s.e kind of men. Those suit wearing, tie wearing ones.
Every once in a while when one of "those" happen to cross my way I try to identify if it's truly that handsome guy or if it's "simply" that suit and tie turning this average man into a head turner.
Ladies - what do you think? For now I can say, the Bleeker Who man is one handsome person - no matter if it's suit or tie. Or none of those things. Objections?! See, I didn't expect it any other way.
May the odds be with you and conjure up a man dressed like that for you, too.
Enjoy your monday night!